Wednesday, November 19, 2008

BOTAK ELLA!! My First Haircut!

D&M decided to bring me to have my hair trimmed...cos I been pulling out my hair in frustrations lately...especially whenever my Milk in demand cries doesnt I'm quite bald on the side of my head might as well...check out the thrilling experience below...=)

The barber has me wrapped up nicely with a nice towel to prepare for the haircut..OMG!

Mummy steadied her grip on me. She should trust me..I'm a good girl throughout the ordeal!

See..i told you so right..hehe..check out my side profile too!

Uncle Barber...cant you leave some hair for me?? Must it be BOTAK??

Check out the videos below too..=)

Here the BOTAK ELLA! i look even more like a BOY?!?!

So...after the hair is cut..of course it is POM POM (shower) time!